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Resources For Parents

- kids support emotional/social/behavioural

- counselor singapore

- children's counselor

- family therapy

- family counseling center

thinking and learning...

Some selected resources for you to download and use at home.

The first is an e-book about settling kids for homework, which could also support home schooling...​

The second is a book about reducing conflict in the home - particularly focusing on sibling squabbles

The third is a PDF that relates to a self compassion course I sometimes run.

So if you need some self compassion, parent classes for that will resume at some point!


'Coming Home' learning about self compassion for parents....

I have more e-books on



Emotional Resilience

Increasing 'thinking' skills


Don't be afraid to ask for them

Current Courses

kids support emotional/social/behavioural, counselor singapore, children's counselor, family therapy, family counseling center
Coming Home - An Acceptance and Nurture Process for Parents


Our instincts are to try to adapt the behaviour of our children, but our children are OUR teachers and this course helps parents look at their own ability to manage those difficult family moments. 


It explores inner beliefs and long held perceptions that get in the way of actually looking and listening to what our child is trying to communicate in their behavior. 


It teaches the stages of being ‘present’ with struggle - to be conscious of thoughts, aware of ourselves, accepting of our dilemmas and compassionate towards ourself in our less-than-best parenting moments. 


Current course dates/times/locations listed on this page.

kids support emotional/social/behavioural, counselor singapore, children's counselor, family therapy, family counseling center
Homework Heaven


Homework battles are disruptive to family harmony and hard on parent and child. 


They often arise because focus is placed on ‘outcome’ - getting the homework done or doing it well. 


Switching to a ‘process’ method in which the parent learns to coach the child through the stages of starting, or through the mindset of doing homework well, can radically alter the drama. 


Learning these techniques you can work alongside your child, not pushing them along, but gently co-constructing the ‘how to’ of homework and working with choice - so your child feels less controlled and more cooperative in their struggle.


This is a one night course over three hours.

Future Courses

Parenting 101 For Primary School Kids


A four week evening or day course.

This course looks at the basic ways to use discipline in a planned and well-prepared way.  It unites the adults in the house to create rules, reminders, reinforcers and consequences that enable ‘flow’.  It helps parents look at what motivates their child and what deters them from co-operation.  It explores the obstacles to useful daily living together, and creates calm approaches that are respectful of one another and yet maintain clear boundaries, with the adults as leaders of home-rule.  Understanding in this course will enable parents to generate SELF-motivation in their children, and reduce the telling, nagging and upsets that ensue when children are careless of household systems or the people they live with.

Parenting Your PRE-Schooler With Loving Consistency


This course looks at developmental stages and how to honour them, whilst encouraging maturity.  It explores the very basis of how best to communicate, develop strong connection and keep control without power-battles.  Within this course is the ‘crux’ of early parenting....getting a child to listen, respond, comply and care about others, whilst maintaining a healthy sense of self-competency and self esteem.  It is an evening course lasting 3 hours.

Supporting Your Child's Emotional Life


This course looks at the stages children go through towards upset, anger, anxiety or tears.  It enables parents to build a joint sense of what is working when things are calm, noticing and honouring all the ways your child does cope.  It explains how to notice and mirror-back the clues that your child is beginning to feel challenged, the language to use and the approaches to take to slow the escalation of upset.  It deals with developing clear boundaries so that the child is given choice about ‘tipping’ into more reactive behaviour or using strategies to manage better.  Finally it finds many suggestions to assist the child with their biggest feeling whilst, at the same time, keeping the emotions of child and parent separate.  This is achieved by useful planning for anger, fearfulness and overwhelm - an area we all need support with!

Attendance over two evenings is required.

Resources For Professionals

Katy also provides talks to teachers and parents about……


Managing Anger Outbursts

  • How to plan for explosive outbursts, the value of anticipating upsets, ways to use tantrums to learn to construct safety plans, dealing with grumpy morning behavior or general family irritability.


Managing Bedtime (or others) Anxiety

  • Exploring fears, planning for security, adding ‘silly’ to the scary thoughts, finding ways to self sooth, using courage and building on small successes.


Creating Emotionally Resilient Children

  • Teaching awareness of internal difficulty and its language, noticing problems, finding solutions, following through, reflective learning, feeling and growing inner strengths, creating optimism and cultivating coping and competencies.


Reducing Homework Battles

  • Co-constructed planning, understanding incentives and dis-incentives, focusing on process more than results, strategies to stay calm/conflict free/  Reducing blame and increasing courage and kindness.  Including body strategies to support success.


Getting the morning or evening schedule up and running without a fight

  • learning to use visual planning and timing reminders. Envisioning success and reducing nagging. Creating cheer and avoiding panic.  Generating self responsibility without rewards and punishments. Accommodating sensory or communication difficulties.


Increasing children’s thinking strategies

  • What is metta-cognition?  Understanding why some children lag behind in this skill. How to encourage mindfulness without blame. Learning to add thoughts that are realistic, positive, brave or accepting.  Problem solving and the value of anticipating, noticing and reviewing.


Sibling Quarrels and How To Manage Them

  • Fostering an environment of appreciation. Looking at qualities of difference in personalities rather than blame. 

  • Actioning physical hurting behaviors. Reducing the ‘he said/she said’ re-escalation. Incentivizing cooperation. 


Valuing Mistakes, Working With Wrong

  • Understanding the downside of perfectionist tendencies, seeing family influences, finding levels of success, working with values rather than goals, process proves more useful than outcomes, celebrating mistakes as learning opportunities, soothing our sense of ‘wrong’ and focusing on recovery


Using Rules, Reminders, Re-inforcers and Consequences

  • Reducing parent talk and moving into action.  Moving away from praise and punish, and towards self motivation and self reflection.

  • Using what works more than what is ‘right’ and accessing what matters to a child to motivate for success.

© Family SOS 2015

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